PEAS 2014

PEAS 2014
PEAS bumper pod harvest MANGETOUT

Thursday, 22 March 2007


Anonymous said...

When I see all those lovely veggies I can almost taste them! Do you just dig compost into the soil or do you use fertilizer too? I did my runner beans as you said and they are coming along nicely, they'll be flowering any day now.

Your grape vines look nice and healthy, so guess you will be getting results from them too in a year or two.

All the best from Kedi-Gato

Ziggywigs said...

Looking great Phil.....what a lot of work you both have put in. Those grasses look fab i hope mine look like that one day. Your veg is much further on than mine....and i've just started digging tatties this last week...nice to start harvesting at long last.