PEAS 2014

PEAS 2014
PEAS bumper pod harvest MANGETOUT

Tuesday, 21 August 2007

ALLOTMENT'S 80th Anniversary

ROY's Scarecrow
On the 18th of August our allotment site had a special open day, the sites's 80th anniversary.

Our main two gates were decorated with festive balloons,flags and buntings. We had a few stalls selling produce donated from the plots. Cakes made by a few plot owners and tombola.

Prizes were given to the best scarecrow above pic., and tallest SunFlower.
On the weather front---Overcaste but otherwise a reasonable good day.
In the evening to windup the day we had two big bbqs. 25 people joined us at our bbq. free of charge.
80th sponge cake was made by Phil Ellis