PEAS 2014

PEAS 2014
PEAS bumper pod harvest MANGETOUT

Tuesday, 15 July 2008

Cherries(STELLA) in the garden 2008 July

Planted Cherry tree in April this year not expecting to get any fruit at all. We are very pleased with the tree we bought from the garden center.

Runnerbeans in July

After a late start planting runnerbeans we are harvesting our first lot of beans.

my first allotment


Monday, 14 July 2008

Butter nut squash

I decided as an experiment to grow Butter nut squash and Dwarf beans in a builders bag.

As you can see the bag is full to overflowing.

Bag contents---- Firstly I filled half the bag with grass cuttings and old news papers , topped it up with 2 bags of growmore compost. Planted dwarf bean seeds in and when they have germinated I planted two butter nut squash plants raised from seed.