PEAS 2014

PEAS 2014
PEAS bumper pod harvest MANGETOUT

Sunday, 7 September 2008


My second fig tree planted two years ago growing horizontally along the fence. This year's fruit looks more healthy may be all this rain we have had. The whole tree is laden with fruit.
I have never grown Figs before so this is all new to me.

Going BANANAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My Musa Basjoo has now reached the dizzy heights of 7 foot and 9foot tall. The little one you see is approx. 3 foot tall and fast catching up. I also have others dotted around the garden.
I know it will take a long time to fruit but for me it is just fun growing them, reminds me of home in the tropics.

Saturday, 6 September 2008


Carrot seeds 'Autum king' were planted during the first week in July when the Moon was waning. Weeks later we are enjoying our first carrots.
This is the first attempt at planting by the Moon. They look pretty robust.

I have also had success with beetroot planted about the same time as the carrots.

Tuesday, 15 July 2008

Cherries(STELLA) in the garden 2008 July

Planted Cherry tree in April this year not expecting to get any fruit at all. We are very pleased with the tree we bought from the garden center.

Runnerbeans in July

After a late start planting runnerbeans we are harvesting our first lot of beans.

my first allotment


Monday, 14 July 2008

Butter nut squash

I decided as an experiment to grow Butter nut squash and Dwarf beans in a builders bag.

As you can see the bag is full to overflowing.

Bag contents---- Firstly I filled half the bag with grass cuttings and old news papers , topped it up with 2 bags of growmore compost. Planted dwarf bean seeds in and when they have germinated I planted two butter nut squash plants raised from seed.

Thursday, 10 July 2008


Second Lilly to flower this year they are not flowering so well it must be the weather.

Thursday, 3 July 2008

Allotment Shed hanging baskets 08

Decided this year to grace our allotment shed with two hanging baskets.

My hanging baskets 08

Thursday, 12 June 2008

Allium is one of my favorite flowers. I have them dotted around the garden.

Saturday, 10 May 2008

Update MAY 08

This year so far has been a better year for us on the allotment. We now have put a shed up and a greenhouse. We also have decided to go for RAISED BEDS.

My brother constructed the raised beds . Its prooving to be a real gem when it comes to WEEDING . All our raised beds are 2 meters x 1 meter. I find this size manageble and good for cultivating root vegetables as these need soft ground.

Do not grow Brussel sprouts and Winter cabbage in a raised bed as these need hard ground.

In November last year we planted onions and garlic in one bed and Early peas (Feltham First) in another raised bed.

These beds are ideal for organic gardening and you dont have to do hard digging.